Gujarat NEET PG Counselling 2023 Merit list has been released

The Gujarat NEET PG Counselling 2023 merit list has been released on the official website, The merit list is available in PDF format and can be downloaded by candidates.

The merit list is prepared on the basis of the candidate's NEET PG score and the state's reservation policy. Candidates who have qualified for the merit list will be eligible to participate in the online seat allotment process. The seat allotment process will be held in several rounds.

The first round of seat allotment will be held on August 2, 2023. Candidates who are not satisfied with their seat allotment can participate in the subsequent rounds of seat allotment. The last date for admission to Gujarat NEET PG courses is August 31, 2023.

Candidates are advised to check the official website of the Admission Committee for Professional Undergraduate Medical Courses (ACPUGMEC) for more information about the merit list and the seat allotment process.

Here are the steps on how to check your merit status:

  1. Go to the official website of ACPUGMEC,
  2. Click on the "NEET PG Counselling 2023" tab.
  3. Click on the "Merit List" link.
  4. Enter your application number and date of birth.
  5. Click on the "Submit" button.
  6. Your merit status will be displayed on the screen.

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