All schools and colleges in Himachal Pradesh are closed today, August 14, 2023, due to heavy rains. The decision was taken by the state government in view of the safety of students and staff.
The heavy rains have caused widespread damage in Himachal Pradesh. There have been reports of landslides, flooding, and road closures. The state government has urged people to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel.
The closure of schools and colleges is a precautionary measure. The state government will review the situation tomorrow and decide whether to reopen the educational institutions.
Here are some of the impacts of the heavy rains in Himachal Pradesh:
- Landslides have blocked roads and bridges in several parts of the state.
- Several houses and buildings have been damaged.
- Crops have been destroyed.
- Power supply has been disrupted in some areas.
- The state government has deployed rescue teams to help people affected by the rains.
The heavy rains are expected to continue for the next few days. The state government has asked people to be prepared for the rains and to follow the instructions of the authorities.