जीत आपकी By Shiv Khera
Hello guys, In today blog we will review Jeet Apki book by Shiv Khera
About the Book -
Jeet Aapki: Kamyabi Ki Aur Le Jaane Wali Seedhi
By Shiv Khera
An easy-to-read, practical, common-sense guide that will take you from ancient wisdom to modern-day thinking, You Can Win helps you establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It guarantees, as the title suggests, a lifetime of success. The book enables you to translate positive thinking into attitude, ambition and action to give you the winning edge.
· Build confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking
· Be successful by turning weaknesses into strengths
· Gain credibility by doing the right things for the right reasons
· Take charge by controlling things instead of letting them control you
· Build trust by developing mutual respect with people around you
· Accomplish more by removing the barriers to effectiveness
जीत आपकी : बिना थकावट सफलता पाने के आसान तरीके शिव खेड़ा ने कई किताबें लिखीं जिन्होंने उन्नत जीवन जीने और सफलता के गुर सिखाये हैं. शिव खेड़ा को कौन नहीं जानता। उनकी किताब 'यू कैन विन' ने दुनिया भर में चर्चा हासिल की है।
96% liked this book on Google
Bloomsbury Publishing
Jan 6, 2017
Originally published: 1998
Author: Shiv Khera
Original language: English
Audience rating summary
Some google reviews -
You Can Win is a book by Shiv Khera written in a simple and lucid style with real-life examples and step by step strategies for achievers. This book is not the 'read and forget' type but a kind of a building manual helping the reader build his life into a successful and fulfilling one. It gives the message that one is not expected to win every battle but the ultimate war has to be won. The author takes the reader through his own as well as other leaders' insights to keep the reader's mind fresh and enthusiastic throughout the book. The book has simplified deep philosophies to make the reader realize it's true worth. As Washington Irving said, " Great minds have purposes, others have wishes," and the author goes on to explain goals, dreams, desires, and fears.The book is a 'must-read' for all those who want to be winners.
My review - Overall looking to the review and comments with the rating and Likes, It seems pretty good you should try it.
Buy this book from amazon - https://amzn.to/300e1oc
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