The Andhra Pradesh Police on Saturday used a crane to help a group of B-Tech students reach their exam centre on time, after they were stranded in flood water.
The students were travelling to their exam centre in Nandigram, NTR district, when their vehicle was caught in the flood. The water level was knee-deep and the road was impassable.
The police were alerted to the situation and they quickly dispatched a crane to the scene. The crane was used to lift the students out of the flood water and transport them to their exam centre.
The students were grateful to the police for their help and they were able to reach their exam centre on time.
The police's actions were praised by the public and they were commended for their quick thinking and dedication to duty.
The incident is a reminder of the importance of the police in times of crisis. The police are always ready to help those in need and they will go to great lengths to ensure the safety of the public.
#APPolice helps students to attend exam on a crane in knee deep flood water: The highway near #Nandigama,NTR(D) is marooned by overflowing flood water.Surrounding villages are completely drowned & road communication was cut off as knee deep water over flowed on high way.(1/2)
— Andhra Pradesh Police (@APPOLICE100) July 29, 2023