The 106 MoUs were signed on the culmination day of the Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam, which was held in New Delhi on July 30, 2023. The Samagam was organized by the Ministry of Education to mark the third anniversary of the launch of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
The MoUs were signed with a variety of organizations, including universities, colleges, research institutions, industry associations, and skill councils. The aim of the MoUs is to foster innovation, research, and knowledge exchange in multiple domains, such as:
- STEM education
- Digital literacy
- Entrepreneurship
- Skill development
- Lifelong learning
- Teacher training
The MoUs are expected to help the Indian education system become more innovative, research-oriented, and globally competitive. They are also expected to create new opportunities for students, teachers, and researchers.
The signing of the MoUs was a significant event in the implementation of the NEP 2020. It is a clear indication that the government is committed to transforming the Indian education system into a world-class system.