The Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Government and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) to ensure that 5% reservation is provided to specially-abled candidates in all educational institutions in the city. The court's order came on a petition filed by a non-governmental organization, Justice For All, which alleged that GGSIPU was not providing 5% reservation to specially-abled candidates as mandated by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
The court's order is a welcome step towards ensuring that specially-abled candidates have equal opportunities to access education. The reservation will help to create a more inclusive educational environment and will allow specially-abled candidates to reach their full potential.
The court has directed the Delhi Government and GGSIPU to take steps to implement the reservation within six weeks. The court has also directed the government to submit a report on the implementation of the reservation within three months.
The court's order is a significant victory for the rights of specially-abled persons. It is a reminder that the government has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens have equal opportunities, regardless of their disability.