The CBSE 10th Compartment Results 2023 are expected to be released anytime soon. The official date has not yet been announced, but it is likely to be released in the first week of August 2023.
You can check your CBSE 10th Compartment Results 2023 in the following ways:
- Online: You can check your results online by visiting the CBSE website,
- SMS: You can also check your results via SMS by sending an SMS to 7738299899 in the following format:
CBSE<space>10<space>Roll Number
- IVRS: You can also check your results via IVRS by calling 1800-11-8009.
Once the results are released, you will be able to view them on the CBSE website. You will need to enter your roll number and date of birth to view your results.
Here are some tips for checking your CBSE 10th Compartment Results 2023:
- Make sure you have your roll number and date of birth handy.
- Be patient as the website may be crowded when the results are released.
- If you are unable to view your results online, you can try checking them via SMS or IVRS.