Over 2,350 graduating students will receive degrees at IIT Delhi's 54th convocation ceremony on August 12, 2023. The ceremony will be held at the IIT Delhi campus and will be presided over by Dr. Gagandeep Kang, an eminent virologist and professor of microbiology at Christian Medical College, Vellore.
The graduating students come from a variety of disciplines, including engineering, science, and humanities. They will be awarded degrees in BTech, MTech, MSc, and PhD. The ceremony will also mark the awarding of the President's Gold Medal, the Director's Gold Medal, and other awards to meritorious students.
The 54th convocation ceremony is a significant event for IIT Delhi and its students. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of the graduating students and to look forward to the future. The ceremony is also an opportunity for IIT Delhi to reaffirm its commitment to excellence in education and research.