The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has released a notification for the recruitment of 3,359 Police Constables (PCs) in various departments. The online application process will begin on August 18, 2023 and will end on September 17, 2023.
The vacancies are for the following posts:
- Police Constable (Armed) - 1,500 vacancies
- Police Constable (Special Force) - 1,000 vacancies
- Fireman - 859 vacancies
- Jail Warder Grade II - 1,000 vacancies
The educational qualification for all the posts is 10th pass. The age limit for the posts of Police Constable (Armed) and Police Constable (Special Force) is 18 to 26 years, while the age limit for the posts of Fireman and Jail Warder Grade II is 18 to 24 years.
The selection process will consist of a written test, physical efficiency test, endurance test, and medical test. The written test will be conducted on October 1, 2023. The physical efficiency test will be conducted on October 22, 2023. The endurance test will be conducted on October 29, 2023. The medical test will be conducted on November 5, 2023.
The application fee for the posts of Police Constable (Armed) and Police Constable (Special Force) is Rs. 250, while the application fee for the posts of Fireman and Jail Warder Grade II is Rs. 150.
The detailed notification for the recruitment is available on the TNUSRB website. Candidates can apply online through the website from August 18, 2023.