A school teacher in Madhya Pradesh's Bhind district has been removed from service for violating the government's two-child norm. The teacher, identified as Ganesh Prasad Sharma, had concealed information about his three children while applying for the job.
The two-child norm is a policy that prohibits government employees from having more than two children. The policy was introduced in Madhya Pradesh in 2005 to control population growth.
Sharma was working as a teacher at the CM Rise School in Amayan in Bhind district. He was suspended from service in May 2023 after it was found that he had three children. Sharma had concealed this information while applying for the job.
A departmental inquiry was conducted against Sharma and he was found guilty of violating the two-child norm. He was subsequently removed from service.
This is not the first time that a government employee in Madhya Pradesh has been removed from service for violating the two-child norm. In 2019, a police officer in Bhopal was removed from service for having four children.
The two-child norm is a controversial policy. Some people believe that it is an infringement on individual freedom. Others believe that it is necessary to control population growth.
The Madhya Pradesh government has defended the two-child norm, saying that it is necessary to protect the environment and to ensure the well-being of children.