Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy has disbursed Rs 46 crore under the 'Jagananna Videsi Vidyadevena' scheme to 357 eligible poor students to pursue higher education in foreign universities.
The scheme is aimed at providing financial assistance to meritorious students from poor families who have secured admission in foreign universities. The scheme covers all disciplines, including engineering, medicine, law, journalism, and others.
The students who have received the financial assistance under the scheme will be able to pursue their education in top universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and other countries.
The Chief Minister said that the scheme is a way of providing opportunities to the poor and meritorious students to pursue their dreams of studying abroad. He said that the government is committed to providing quality education to all students, regardless of their financial background.
The 'Jagananna Videsi Vidyadevena' scheme is a welcome initiative by the Andhra Pradesh government. It will help to ensure that talented students from poor families have the opportunity to pursue their education abroad and become global leaders.
Here are some additional details about the 'Jagananna Videsi Vidyadevena' scheme:
- The scheme is open to students from all social categories.
- The students must have secured admission in a foreign university that is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
- The students must have a minimum aggregate of 75% in their qualifying examination.
- The financial assistance under the scheme is up to Rs 1.25 crore for students from SC/ST/BC/minority communities and up to Rs 1 crore for students from other communities.